Social Video Production

Plan Details

See production details for each of the social video marketing plans below.

Available Locations

All social video production plans are currently available in North Carolina and South Carolina within a 100 mile radius of Charlotte. We plan to expand service areas in the future. Contact us to get notified when service comes to your location.

The Influencer Plan

This plan is designed for influencers and brands that need professional filming of an influencer, speaker, host, performer or talent for several hours to create seasonal content that can be released on a quarterly schedule. The primary goal is to film up to 24 unique social clips or scenes to have content for release twice a week though a three month period. Clips will be edited and conform to social platform posting guidelines.

Filming takes place at one or more locations within a 5-hour time window starting at the location arrival time and ending at departure. Setups and breakdowns typically take 30 minutes depending on the lighting and location situation. When selecting your location, please be aware of noise, traffic, construction, music, loudspeakers, trains or anything else that may cause problems for voice recording. Also be aware that some locations may require permits, permission and location releases to film on a property.

Final clips will be digitally delivered in formats for Facebook, Instagram Reels, TikTok and X.

The Creator Plan

Everything in the Influencer Plan is included in The Creator Plan, so please read that first.

The Creator Plan is designed with more collaboration in mind and more social video clips for release. Please note that the quantity of edited clips delivered depends on the amount of filming completed in the allotted time.

We color grade and AI enhance all released clips so you get more of a filmic professional quality look.

The Producer Plan

Everything in the Influencer Plan and The Creator Plan is included in The Producer Plan, so please read those first.

The Producer Plan starts with AI market research to identify the qualities that make successful social videos. Concepts are generated using a combination of AI and human creativity. We then share this information with you to develop a social video production plan.

This plan includes a professional speaker, host, model or influencer. Clients have the option to choose their own on-camera talent.

The Premiere Plan

Everything in the Producer Plan is included in The Premiere Plan, so please read all above first.

The Premiere Plan features professional acting talent with local and national film and television credits. Casting auditions to find talent for your brand are available for an additional one-time casting agency fee.

Included in this plan is a professional makeup artist with national film and television credits and a professional sound technician to record and monitor sound.

We recognize the importance of collaborative communication and have included 4 Zoom calls each quarter.

Custom Plans

If your interested in working with us and want to customize your own plan, please contact us and tell us your ideas.